Partnerski sestanki

Kick – off sestanek
8-9. novembra 2022
Mannheim, Nemčija

Srečanje je potekalo na Univerzi za uporabne študije dela Zvezne agencije za zaposlovanje. Partnerji so razpravljali o delovnih nalogah in načrtovali mejnike za dosego rezultatov..


2nd  meeting 
21st-22th June, 2023
Maribor, Slovenia

The meeting was hosted by OZARA service and disability company d.o.o.

Partners reviewed the work done: transnational praxis oriented report >> about inclusion in labour market for people with disabilities, podcasts >> and videos >>, illustrating this process in different partners countries, multipliers events >> organized so far to involve more interested parties and to gather valuable experiences.

The work done and the experience gained accelerated the planning of the following works: next multiplier events, community engagements events and focus groups to better research the needs of target groups, guidelines for Include3 method implementation, curriculum for collaborative inclusive learning  Include³ method, didactic learning material creation steps, digital infrastructure development points, focusing on accessibility requirements.

On the second day partners visited Ozara service and disability company d.o.o to gain deeper knowledge on how work rehabilitation, social employment  is organized for people with disabilities.