Inclusive Development of Guidelines for Practice

Six focus groups in three countries (in each of the three countries a focus group A with at least five sheltered-workshop participants with intellectual disabilities, focus group B with at least three participants from group A, three employer and four inclusion experts, at least two of which have VET responsibilities in a sheltered workshop.

Focus groups will be moderated and observed by two members of the project teams.

Report on the focus groups with particular attention to the implications for developing the Include³ method of informing sheltered VET through CGC further.

Guidelines for method development, outlining the principles which the method has to follow and defining standards the process is to be measured by and prospective outcomes to be achieved.

Three regional community-engagement/multiplier events (CY, SI and one joint BE/DE) with at least fifteen participants in CY and SI, and at least twenty in BE/DE (at least one of these each: local business, local/regional policy makers, disability activists.

Graphic illiustration - team members brainstorm idea and lightbulb from jigsaw. Working team collaboration, enterprise cooperation, colleagues mutual assistance concept. Bright vibrant violet vector isolated illustration