Community Engagement Event in Germany

27th February, 2024

On 27 February 2024, a specialist event in the EU-funded “Include3” project took place on the premises of the University of Applied Labour Studies (HdBA).

27 experts accepted the invitation from Prof. Dr Silvia Keller, Prof. Dr Yasemin Körtek and Jenny Schulz.
In their welcoming speeches, Prof. Dr. Silvia Keller and Antonia Lesle, Head of Vocational Training at Diakoniewerkstätten Rhein-Neckar, emphasised the particular importance of people with disabilities for the primary labour market in times of a shortage of skilled workers.

Jenny Schulz then informed those present about the project objectives (including the creation of a curriculum to support education and counselling in the transition from sheltered employment to the general labour market) and the work packages in the project. She also gave a brief insight into podcasts >>, explanatory videos >> and reports >> that have already been finalised.

Prof. Dr. Yasemin Körtek talked about the transition from sheltered employment to the general labour market from the perspective of current guidance and education practices in Belgium, Cyprus, Germany and Slovenia. She presented results from several focus group interviews with experts from the fields of inclusion, vocational education and training, companies and experts in their own right.

Prof. Dr. Silvia Keller then explored the question of what is needed in vocational training and counselling during the transition from sheltered employment to the general labour market. She presented guidelines that are being developed in the Include3 project and serve as the basis for the development of a curriculum for the training of counsellors and vocational training staff.

Afterwards, the attendees had the opportunity to share their expertise and views on the main statements of the Include3 guidelines in three workshop groups. This expertise provides the project with valuable feedback for the further development of the guidelines.

Marlene Schleicher from Elterninitiative Rhein-Neckar e.V. then gave a moving account of how her son Kai found a job on the general labour market. She highlighted challenges and favourable factors.

Finally, Prof Dr Silvia Keller bid farewell to those present and gave an outlook on the curriculum and the next steps in the project.
The Include3 team would like to thank all those present for the successful exchange.