A praxis-oriented report on good practices will present the results of the collection and evaluation of good practice and draw conclusions with regard to the role of centring processes on the needs and aspirations of people with intellectual disabilities; and will elaborate on the perspectives for harmonising sheltered VET and labour market needs through inclusive counselling processes.
Resources for the promotion of good practice targeted at a variety of audiences (e.g. employers, sheltered workshops etc.). In particular audio-visual materials will be produced, such as podcasts about successful labour-market integration of a former sheltered-workshop participant; a video case study on good practice in sheltered VET responding to individual needs and aspirations as well as to external labour market opportunities, etc.
Policy documents for three categories of local decision makers (in sheltered workshops VET, career counselling, and business) (which will be disseminated via the web portal and its blog – see WP5 – and in an early multiplier/community engagement event, and through these channels will receive feedback).
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